Our service to schools

Harrow Music provides instrumental and vocal tuition, advice and training to support schools in meeting the aims of the National Plan for Music Education.

Harrow Music is the lead organisation in the Harrow Music Education Hub, and part of the wider London West Music Hub, for which it receives a share of the Music Education Grant from the DfE/Arts Council.

The Music Education Grant is used to subsidise all traded services to schools, support performance opportunities for students such as the Band, String, Guitar, Recorder, World and Song Festivals and to support other Hub members providing special services to children.

SLAs between schools and Harrow Music can now be made online, through SS4E

Click for link to SLA via SS4E

Services we offer to schools

Instrumental/Vocal Tuition

  Small group instrumental/vocal tuition
  Large group instrumental tuition for steel pans and recorder and ‘continuers’ from whole class programmes 
  Whole-class subsidised instrumental programmes 
  Ensemble and choir coaching, development and leading 

Class Music Teaching / Year Group Singing / Leading Singing Assemblies / Music’sCool

  Curriculum class music teaching 
  First access whole class instrumental programmes 
  Year group singing 
  Singing assemblies 
  Ensemble conducting for large ensembles 
  Music’s Cool programme (combining class music teaching, instrumental learning, singing and CPD for teachers) 
  Music Technology, Production and Arranging course for both primary and secondary schools. 

Advisory Music Curriculum Support 
  Courses for teachers and INSET sessions in schools 
  Advice & support on adapting and improving schemes of work and policies 
  Observations according to Ofsted subject specific criteria 
  ICT music resources 
  Auditing school music provision 
  Developing a school singing strategy 
  Demonstration lessons 
  Regular music network meetings 

Piano Accompaniment 

  Concerts, shows and assemblies 
  GCSE/A level performances and recordings 

Other Musical Activities
  Rock Band SongFest – a KS2 singing Festival 
  School Choirs Showcase – an opportunity to perform individual school choir repertoire at the Elliott Hall to an audience of peers 
  Sing Sing Sing – A Y2/3 singing Festival 
  Bespoke ensembles (e.g. percussion) where facilities are available 

Enhanced Service 

  Appraisal process for all HMS staff including observations 
  Regular staff training including 4 days of INSET for instrumental teachers 
  HMS instrumental curriculum 
  Performance opportunities through a range of music festival workshops and concerts 
  Conducting, directing and leading of school based ensembles 
  Provision of support and expertise for GCSE/A Level pupil preparation 
  HMS staff attendance at parents’ evenings 
  Provision of practice diaries to pupils 
  Musical promotion evenings to publicise musical opportunities at your school 
  Sharing Expertise and Experience in Music (SEEM) peer support scheme for music teachers in primary and secondary schools
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