
Harrow Music offers a range of ensembles that take place after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays or on Saturdays at Harrow Arts Centre. Ensemble membership costs £50 per term, with a remissions policy for those in financial need.

If your child learns an instrument in a school in Harrow and is interested in joining one of our ensembles, please contact the Harrow Music office for details of how to join. Children are always welcome to come to one of the rehearsals for a trial session.

Remissions Policy,  Harrow Music Service 2024-2025


HMS Ensembles are provided by HMS at Harrow Arts Centre on weekday evenings and remissions of 50% are provided to parents/carers in financial difficulties who can show proof of:

• Income Support (IS)

• Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)

• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

• support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

• the guaranteed element of Pension Credit

• Child Tax Credit, with an income below £16,190 but do not receive Working Tax Credit

• Universal Credit, with household income less than £617 per month, or less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits received)


Children Looked After automatically receive a total remission of fees for these activities.

Enquire about lessons

The following groups take place after school and at weekends at Harrow Arts Centre.

Junior Brass (Tuesdays)

An ensemble for beginner brass players to gain their first experience of ensemble playing with ensemble leaders Jamie Wall, Tsan Wing-Lam and Kerin Black. For brass players at Grade 1-3 level.

Senior Brass (Tuesdays)

A brass ensemble for more experienced brass players with a wide ranging repertoire encompassing arrangements of rock and pop songs, traditional brass band music and much more, with ensemble leaders Jamie Wall, Tsan Wing-Lam and Kerin Black.  For brass players at Grade 4 – 8 level.

Junior Wind Band (Thursdays)

An enjoyable beginner Woodwind and Brass band with ensemble leaders Amy Naddermier and Lisa Lloyd-Owens. Players are welcome for their first experience of playing in a band.

Junior Strings (Thursdays)

A group welcoming beginner string players for their first experience playing in an ensemble, with a diverse repertoire drawn from the classical tradition, folk music and beyond. Lead by Joanne Warnock and Justin Fung. 

Senior Strings (Thursdays)

An ensemble for more experienced string players, from Grade 3-upwards, with a diverse repertoire drawn from the classical tradition, folk music and beyond, with ensemble leaders Joanne Warnock and Justin Fung.

Guitar Ensemble (Thursdays)

A classical guitar ensemble for players at Grade 3 standard or above, with ensemble leaders David Massey and Francesco Mariani.

Improvisation Group (Saturdays once per month)

A practical group teaching improvisation and ensemble skills for older students taking GCSE, A Level or BTec music and considering pursuing jazz or popular music courses at conservatoires or universities, with ensemble leaders Otis Wolstenholme and Dan Paton. This is a long playing session of three hours that takes place on one Saturday per month. The suggested age range is Year 9 and above. Rhythm section and front line instruments are welcome but participation is by invitation only. If your child  might be interested, please contact the Harrow Music office.

Junior Orchestra Collective

A proposed new weekend ensemble activity involving all orchestral sections, including percussion, launching soon. 

Watch this space! 
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